Friday, June 18, 2010

Friday night conversations

S: Monday is the Summer Solstice. Do you know what that means?
Me: It's the longest day of the year.
S: Yes, but do you know what that means?
Me: It's the first day of Summer.
S: Yes, but do you know what that means?
Me: Um....that there will be sunlight until about 10:30.
S: Yes, but do you know what that means?
Me: ???
S: The days are only going to get shorter. We're that much closer to cold and fucking snow.

Jesus. The pessimism rolling off him was palpable.


Unknown said...

Well, he could always Winter in Trinidad. He'd just have to watch out for the scorpions, tarantulas, snakes and P51 sized mosquitos.

But he wouldn't have to worry about snow.

Anonymous said...

I'm sooooo with S. on that. The pessimism over cold and snow rolls off me just as palpably - and vociferously.

Duyvken said...

We took the older two kids to Sydney Observatory last night for the winter solstice. Fab!

The Coffee Lady said...

I'm with him.